Tuesday 1 April 2008

We don't have to take are clothes off, to have a good time, we party all night, and drink cherry wine"

tonite was meant to be a 'get you eighties shit on an lets party!' but it was more lets just party... good tunes came from the mac books... my face lit up wen they played PRINCE ' WHEN DOVES CRY'

party! ben, kyle, darryl an cooper... kill it down at sophbeck...

baz in a bear outfit?!!

me in my get up... how fucking cool am i!?

greg...looking fly.




another art shot...


miller miller...bad man!

miller on the megaphone...

these girls are hot property...

junior triumph.... attracting kids on the dance floor like a moth to a lampshade!

arty one of a pretty lady.

greg and kyle lookin well dappa in thier 80's get up. oh yeh, everyone was suppose to dress up but i only caught a few of you in your gear... very dissappointed. if u did then nuff spekt!

dom looking gormless.

this is frry. he was on my graphics course at uni. he works for vice. he's well cool. if u see him, tell him nadia says your well cool.

there is no particular order, because, to be quite honest...i cant remember what happend wen... but if you know any of these faces, rad!

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