Saturday, 31 May 2008

i wasn't suppose to be in leicester... but i went out any hows and patrolled the streets.

So tonite i was suppose to go to Liverpool but the boys said that there wasnt much point cos theyd been hitting hard the last few nites they were there... so i bailed an stayed in leicester. Did a solo in some bars an that... saw some familiar faces.

cullanary delights of leicester... great places to eat out u know.

its true... kebabs can kill u...

mantus... man with the beatz

keir an liz... party kids.

party shuffle


serious shit...

dance like mad man!


BEN... he dont wanna be seen, tryin to be stealth innit!

MC Jabada and Ambler Gamblers... i would marry any of these guys if they asked me...


i proceeded to sophbeck... i know, i know...i work there, but there was fuck all else to do... DEAN

becki, lee and jack... these lot make me chuckle...

wall art.

i know its blurred but its well arty!

dirty, loud, distorted electro... empty bar... no.1 rave partner... she kills it! i love this gal... dope as u like. she does me hair too.

electrotec... it was empty till like midnite... killer tunes tho... reminded me of being at Gatecrasher again!

best crisps ever... cant beat space raiders...

limes for sailor jerry's...

old guy in the hub, braunstone gate.

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